Hi, I'm Jonathan Roitgrund: software engineer, Imperial College London MEng graduate, Google and Palantir alumnus, and currently freelancing.
boyohboy (2024): work-in-progress GameBoy emulator
leretroprojecteur (2023): a directory for vintage movies playing in Paris cinemas
matchedpotato (2022): crawls vinted.com to find clothes matching a color from a user-uploaded picture
bandcamp-feed (2021): an alternate front-end for bandcamp.com supporting splitting subscriptions by genre and embedded playback
pawned (2021): a chess game with a GUI and networked play
cratedigger (2016): an alternate front-end for discogs.com with continuous playback
passmein (2014): an end-to-end encrypted web-based password manager
chip16 (2014): an emulator for a fictional console
jonathan AT roitgrund DOT me